jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019


Pets at home?
In my opinion having pets at home should not be a problem, In my case, I have lived with pets my entire life, ones more biggest than others and I’ve never had problems with my own health or of my family, in fact it has helped me in relationships and to be patient and kind with animal. So, I approve having pets at home.

Chilean education?
In my opinion, the Chilean education is having serious problems generally, I think that we must to change the system of entry to higher education because the actual system made that only good school students can entry to university’s  and not the ones that come from state schools, distant cities or indigenous communities so it must be changed urgently.


In my opinion Chilean people have a big speech of hate, racism and prejudice about immigration. In my case I come from a Bolivian family that made his life on the border of Chile and Bolivia, I’m a Quechua woman and I very proud of that. But Chilean people still see in us a thief’s, illiterate and ignorant people when sometimes we only want to study like them or work in the human same conditions.

Legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
In my opinion Chile doesn’t have enough public policies to deal with the actual use and consumption of drugs. There are no legal centers of alternative medicine that use cannabis to medical treatment of diseases that can only be calmed down with the use of this plant oil’s. So, I think that in that cases it is correct the use of marijuana. 

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Decentralization and territorial management

Today I’m going to write about the postgraduate that I would like to study.
Like I said in the last post, I would like to work in an extreme zone of the country to help people that today can´t access to quality public services having to travel many hours to find a health service or a school. For that reason I would like to study a post grad or a mayor in decentralization and territorial management to give a better service to my work place and community.
In that mayor I would like to study in 5th year of university to make an economic recognition with the university of Chile and study at night or a part time course.
A subject that I would like to study it will be “indigenous communities” because I come from one of them and I understand how hard it could be have access to an a hospital or a school without travel many hours a day and be attended for professionals that are not specialized in indigenous people or local communities so they didn’t understand our different languages, traditions or customs of our people.
Finally I would study a diplomat of Diploma extension in Gender, Ethnicity and Public Policies to have a specialization in that kind of studies to have others perspectives to work someday.

My Dreams Job

Today I’m going to write about my dreams job.
When I decided to study Public Administration in 2018 I realize that the real reason to do that were to help through public services to people who can´t access to quality services in the extreme areas on the country, for example the north country border or the south of Chile in the indigenous communities That’s the real public vocation for me personally.
So, with that objective clear we can see that my job doesn´t necessary need to be a “travel job” because I pretend to live where I work to be really connected with the problems that exist in my work place.
Maybe the salary that I receive will not be too much but I can live with that with no problem.
 To make that the service that I going to give to people be the greatest I would like to study a mayor in Descentralización to understand in better ways the moves and behaviors of communities from a Public Administration perspective.
Finally I imagine my job in a municipality or a kind of service like that indoors but having a lot of contact with people in institutions of health, education, work or others. Personally I would prefer divisions or departments of work and social development in kids or senior citizens .

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

My pets
Today i'm going to talk about my two dogs

The smallest is called "Morita" is a "quiltro" puppy. She came from my dad's friends because they didn't now what to do with her. She always had a lot of energy and loves to run everywhere even at the night. She was the only one of black color in she's litter and that's why she calls "morita". She loves play in the ground with she’s toys like if she were a rabit.
The biggest one is called “Kiara” because we were watching The Lion King when my mom come with her to our house for the first time and she’s curly hear makes her look like a lion. She didn´t like the human contact (only of my dad) and she never sleep in the floor and she never eat alone so in resume she is most like a person than a real dog.
Apparently both are very different but they get along very well at each other regardless of age, size or tastes.

They both have helped me in lot of occasions when I’m sad or alone, I really miss them a lot every night because they both used to sleep with my when I still living in Calama  

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019

Public administration

In my case I come from Calama, a city very far away from Santiago were all the information about universities get concentrated in the center of the country.
So, I discover the career searching on the university’s website by my own when I realize that I really would work in the public service and that I could be useful for my city even if I needed to move to study it to then return and help my city and community from my new knowledge.
The positive aspect of study Public Administration in the “Universidad de Chile” is the privilege and value that grant different public services to this specific career and university.
I also like the broad labor field were you can work even if it not in the public sector or in institutional organizations.
Personally I would prefer work in a small public service of education or health but in an indigenous community to contribute to they protection and care away from Santiago.
Finally I hope that everyone finds the real place where they want to work what makes you a pleasure and not a suffering.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

A concert

Today I´m going to write about the experience of my favorite concert of all my life. I was in 26 of August of last year and I come to see with my big brother and hi's two daughters a festival called "Kidstock" where it going to make a prsentation 3 different bands: Mazapan, cachureos and my favorite since I was a litle child "31 minutos".
This band in particular consist in he band of the tv chilean show than later start to go on tour as a childish band to new generations but it still be part of our life to the 90's generations (like me).
During the event i was really borring till 31 minuto go on stage, they play all the old song, that I now very well, and also some of the new ones.
My favorite memory of that concert is that I went there with my two nieces that I miss to much because I'm far from them for studying in Santiago wich makes difficult to me to travel every week to Calama.

My dreams country 

My favorite country is Boivia, I travel to there since I was 6 years old for different reasons but mainly to visit my family and visit new cities.
Bolivia is an a really amazing country, there you can find t many different kinds of food, cultures and ways of living.
In my case I always prefer to eat in daily or normal restaurants because I think that there is where you really now the national food.
And personally I will recommend  is go to see the “Carnaval de Oruro” because is definitely the most interesting and exciting cultural activity in the entire year, there you can find all kind of dances and music and people of all ages feeling proud of they culture and country.
If I live in Bolivia someday I will like to live in Chochabamba in consequence of the beauty and weather of the city and work in some public service or and a social organization to travel to small communities.